- Home
- Ihre Experten
- Philosophy of our Practice
- A tour through our practice
Focus areas of our Practice
- Arthrosis
- Pain in your feet and ankles
- Pain in your knees
- Osteoporosis
- Preventive Medicine
- Pain in your back
- Pain in your shoulder
- Tendon injuries/tendon irritations/tendinitis
- Sportmedizin und Sportverletzungen
- Sprungelenksbeschwerden
- Specialist Consultations for Dance Medicine
- Our Special Service for Golfers
Range of services
- Prevention
- Ultrasound/sonography
- Medical checkup Infant hip sonography (using the Graf method)
- Digital X-ray
- 4D motion analysis/gait analysis
- Gait analysis/pedography
- Muscle function analysis
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Neuromuscular diagnostics
- Neuromuscular therapy
- Bioimpedance analysis (BIA)
- Bone density scan/DXA
- Laboratory tests
Conservative orthopedics
- Cryofos Kältetherapie
- Hyaluronic acid therapy
- Infusion therapy
- Manual therapy/chiropractic therapy/fascia therapy
- Shock wave therapy
- Radiation-free injection therapy
- Therapeutic care for osteoporosis
- Osteopathic trigger point therapy
- High Power Laser
- Pre- and post-operative care for orthopedic or trauma surgery procedures
- Hand Surgery
- Knee Surgery
- Ankle Surgery
Foot Surgery
- Achilles tendon complaints (achillodynia)/Haglund exostosis
- Heel spur/plantar fasciitis/heel pain
- Hallux rigidus (arthrosis of the joint at the base of the big toe)
- Hallux valgus (big toe deformity)
- Hammerzehen
- Krallenzehen
- Childhood flexible flatfoot (Pes planovalgus)
- Metatarsalgie
- Morton’s neuroma
- Peronealsehnen
- Schneiderballen
- Frequently asked questions about foot surgery
Sports medicine
- IHHT – Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Therapy
- 4D motion analysis
- Gait analysis/pedography
- Muscle function analysis
- Blood lactate diagnostics with spiroergometry (treadmill or cycle ergometer)
- Training planning
- Diving medicine/fitness to dive examination
- Neuromuscular diagnostics
- Neuromuscular therapy
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Shock wave therapy
- Naturopathy/TCM
- Osteopathy - Healing with your hands
- Opening hours
- RKM 740 Orthopedics Journal
- Gesundheitsbrief
- Service
- Contact us