
A locked knee

A plica is a fold in the membrane and can be found in different sizes in almost 50% of all knee joints. The problems are usually caused by Plica mediopatellaris. If the plica is massive, it can be jammed in the knee between the thigh-bone and the kneecap, causing chronic and painful inflammation of the plica or even damage to the cartilage. A typical symptom is a snapping or popping sensation at the kneecap, together with a burning pain after exercising the knee. Intensive exercising could also lead to permanent swelling and limited range of motion.

Conservative therapy

It is our objective to ease the inflammation in the knee and to improve its mobility.

  • Injections
  • Neuralgic therapy
  • Kinesiology taping
  • ACP / autohemotherapy
  • Functional training
  • Chirotherapy


During surgery, the plica will be gently removed using arthroscopy (keyhole surgery). This means that 2 small incisions will be made to insert the tiny camera and instruments into the knee.

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